QUIZ 1  “Nota”  means none of the above


  1. A space ship travels to outer space.  When it reaches outer space, the rockets are shut off. The ship will

(a) slow down and eventually stop   (b) immediately stop (c) move in a straight line with constant speed (d) speed up   (e) nota



2. Consider a pair of forces , one having magnitude 56 N and the other 25 N.
What is the maximum net force possible for these two forces?
(a)  31 N  (b) 81 N  (c) 1400 N  (d) nota


      3. Referring to the previous problem, what is the minimum net force possible
      for these two forces?

(a)  31 N  (b) 81 N  (c) 1400 N  (d) 0 N  (e) nota

     4.  A staging at rest weighs 300 N and supports a box that weighs 300 N. The   

      reading on the left scale is 400 N. What is the reading on the right scale???

    (a)   300 N   (b) 400 N   (c) 200 N  (d) nota


5.       Starting from rest, car 1 accelerates in a straight line to a speed of 50 km/h in a certain time period. Also starting from rest, car 2 accelerates in a straight line to a speed of 60 km/h in the same time period. What car has the greatest acceleration?

(a)     car 1  (b) car 2  (c) not enough information to decide (d) nota


6.       What is the acceleration of a car that moves at a steady velocity of 200 km/h

      for 500 seconds.

(a) 0.2 km/h2     (b)  2.5 km/h2    (c)   0      km/h2    (d) nota



7.       For a freely falling body, what is the acceleration at the end of the 2nd second of fall?

(a)  19.6 m/s2    (b)   0 m/s2    (c) 9.8 m/s2   (d) nota


8.       For a freely falling body that is dropped, what is the speed at the end of the  2nd second of fall?

(a) 19.6 m/s   (b)  9.8 m/s   (c) 0 m/s  (d) nota


9.       If you drop an object toward the ground, the acceleration will be 9.8 m/s2. If you throw it down instead, the acceleration will be

(a) greater than 9.8 m/s2.    (b) equal to 9.8 m/s2   (c) nota


10.      If  you throw an  object upward away from  the ground, the acceleration will be

(a) less than 9.8 m/s2.    (b) equal to 9.8 m/s2    (c) nota